Saturday, August 28, 2010

The White Ribbon

The White Ribbon, originally Das weisse Band written and directed by Micheal Haneke, a movie I have just recently seen, is a strange, oppressive and horrifying movie with none of the monsters we are all use to seeing. There are monsters none the less. Sick and twisted people that we probably see everyday. This movie, based in Germany just before World War 1, is filmed in black and white. It is the type of movie, like Shcindlers List, that although it is despondent and sickening,  is a must see. It is a mystery of sorts.  Strange sort of 'accidents 'start to occur in this small, far away German village. There are small hints here and there, supposedly pointing you to an answer. Always you are off balance, never really understanding what is going on. The White ribbon doesn't give you that release that we have so come to expect in movies nowadays. At the end you can't walk away satisfied. It is undoubtedly an utterly amazing movie. But all the answers are not handed to you. I think the one thing all great movies have in common is that they all make you think. I have tried not to give away too many of the movies secrets. I do want you to go see it and be enthralled, disgusted, horrified and intrigued as I was. Here are some reviews, again not giving away the plot, that I particularly liked.

"These disturbing incidents pound the unsuspecting viewer into complete submission. The luminous beauty of the black-and-white cinematography framing the ugly world suggested here only serves to further shock the senses."  ~Leigh Paatsch

"If adults do not face up the truth, however this truth might be against their convictions, rise up and take charge, then who will? And according to whose morality? Isn't fascism with racism, in short Nazism, misdirected popular anger and an easy response to deep injustices within a society ? Haneke observes mostly psychological, educational and religious roots of Nazism while leaving economic aspects mostly in the background." ~mehmet_kurtkaya

I do hope you go see it. Cheers!

Websites where I found the images- 


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